Understanding the Logo: 

Often times we are placed in societies box to repeat family cycles and destructive behaviors. In order for young adults coming out of the foster care system to live a healthy life, emotionally, and physically, they will have to re-invent themselves. This is why the figure is pushing out the box. Not allowing society to define there future path. 

 “There are No 4 Corners when you are Out the Box”

  • More than 23,000 children will age out of the US foster care system every year..


  • Between 31 and 46% of youth exiting foster care will end up homeless by the age of 26

    National Alliance to End Homelessness

  • 14.7% will have "survival sex" to guarantee temporary food or shelter.

    Quote source

  • Less than 3% of former Foster youth earn a college degree by age 25 additionally, many struggle to find or maintain stable employment due to in sufficient preparation and support systems

    National Foster Youth Institute

  • Imagine being 18 and nowhere to go

    Continue for statistics

To ensure every underserved youth has the basic tools and knowledge to go out in the world and thrive.

N4C Independent Living  is a placement agency designed to provide residential placement and training to transitional aged youth who have aged out of the foster care system transitioning into adulthood, preparing them to be successful with the life skills necessary to achieve their self-defined goals and lead productive and fulfilling lives. 

N4C Independent Living  will offer various types of residential placement, host family, single site, and remote site settings. Each participant joining in the program will independently hold an agreement for their placement. We will serve Non-Minor Dependents (NMDs also known as " participants'') who are former foster care youth eligible for AB-12, the California Fostering Connections to Success Act, also known as the Transitional Housing Program Plus Foster Care (THP+FC). The Services will be for THP+FC for NMD’s ranging from age 18 up to 21.


  • Household Skills

  • Personal Safety

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Time Management

  • Self Care

  • Communication

Financial Literacy

  • Banking

  • Budgeting

  • Saving

  • Managing Credit and Debt

Workforce Development

Our goal is to ignite and support each individual’s interest during their time in the program.

  • Job

  • College

  • Trade School


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
